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The wiring system in a building links electrical components and appliances. These components and devices are expensive, and the building itself is a valuable asset. Therefore, the system should function effectively without posing any risks. 

Over time, you might need to rewire electrical circuits in your home. This piece discusses several scenarios that could prompt you to rewire electrical circuits. 

1. Tripped circuit breakers

Circuit breakers are safety devices in your electrical system that prevent damages caused by excessive current. Your electrical appliances might demand too much current from the power source, or the circuit may have power surges. However, the circuit breaker should not trip frequently.

Frequent tripping indicates wiring faults. For example, old homes have circuit breakers designed to handle the demands of outdated appliances that consume little power. However, as you purchase and install new devices, your home’s power consumption increases, which could cause the circuit breaker to trip.

You can have an electrician redesign the electrical circuit based on your current needs. The electrician can also fully replace and upgrade the circuit breakers.

2. Flickering and dimming lights

If your lights dim or flicker constantly, the electrical system might be faulty. Bulbs that share the same electrical circuit might dim or flash together, signalling a more significant problem such as an overloaded circuit. 

Other causes include damaged, old and poorly installed circuits. The contact points of your house wiring or fixtures corrode over time, leading to poor electrical conductivity. Therefore, you experience the periodic dimming and flickering of the lights. 

The best solution for these issues is to upgrade the wiring. You can also replace the faulty switches and light fixtures. In other cases, changing the bulbs might solve the problem altogether. 

3. Burning smells

Some of the components in the wiring system are rubber and plastic. These parts can quickly melt when exposed to high temperatures. For example, sparks caused by short circuits might melt the wiring harness, and you can smell the burning rubber. You might also see the smoke once in a while and crumbling noises if you listen keenly. 

A burning item is a fire hazard in your home or office building. If the wiring system has kinks and arching, it creates electrical resistance that poses a fire threat. Watch out for signs of burning items by scrutinizing switches, chargers, and other items for discoloration, melting, or other faults.

Rewiring the property is an opportunity to upgrade the system by installing new conduits, switches, housings and casings with higher heat resistance. Besides, it is a sure way to avoid fire risks. 

4. Overuse of extensions

If your house has few outlets but you have numerous appliances, the easiest way to solve this problem is to buy extensions. Extensions are cheap and temporarily solve your issues. However, some electrical extensions have a short lifespan, and eventually, you may need a permanent fix. 

Extensions also have numerous safety precautions that people overlook, posing risks to themselves and their property. For example, you must keep extensions in an open place to prevent overheating. It would help if you also kept extensions on top of a table or chair to avoid electrocution when your premises flood. Moreover, the extensions you purchase must be of high quality. 

If you have trouble with your home’s extensions, you should consider a permanent fix such as installing a new circuit. It will accommodate your changing power needs and avoid the inconveniences of having extensions in every room in your house. 

Your circuit needs rewiring if you experience tripped circuit breakers, dimming and flickering lights, burning smells and insufficient outlet points. At Smart-Safe Electrical Services, we boast a wide range of electrical technicians with the skill and experience needed to inspect your wiring system and determine the need for rewiring. Contact us today for high-quality services at a reasonable price.